If you are ready to turn back the clock on a lifetime of skin damage and show off a youthful glow, Halo by Sciton® is here to help. We are thrilled and excited to announce our newest laser to help combat the signs of aging, the Halo™ Hybrid Fractional Laser at Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, Georgia. Halo laser resurfacing eliminates years of damage due to sun exposure and the natural aging process by precisely targeting the right depth. Halo restores the luminous glow you had when you were younger.
In the past, you had to choose between a procedure that offered really great results but required a lengthy recovery, or a procedure with a fast recovery but marginal results. Now with Halo at Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, GA, you get the best of both worlds: great results with minimal downtime. Halo combines deep dermal rejuvenation with epidermal renewal for a combined synergistic effect you can’t get with any other treatment.
Our Laser Specialist Courtney Cox has over 18 years of experience in the medical aesthetics industry and can help you customize your treatment to your specific needs. She is experienced in treating all skin types and conditions and she was even an educator, teaching others how to safely provide laser treatments.
What is Halo™?
Halo™ is the world’s first and only tunable hybrid fractional laser, combining non-ablative and ablative wavelengths in a single pass to maximize results and control downtime. Halo™ gives you the results you want without the downtime that you would expect.
What makes Halo™ different from other lasers?
Everyone’s skin is different, and their needs are different. Halo allows us to customize your treatment to fit your lifestyle. Treatments can be regulated from a light treatment that is makeup ready the next day to a more intense treatment that gives skin a youthful glow with a few days of downtime. In the past you had to choose between a procedure that delivered great results with a lengthy downtime and a procedure with minimal results and little to no downtime. Halo™ delivers the best of both worlds: great results with minimal downtime.
Halo Full Face Treatment
What skin conditions does Halo™ treat?
· Discoloration
· Sun Damage
· Visible signs of aging
· Uneven skin tone
· Enlarged Pores
· Poor Texture
· Fine Lines & Wrinkles
· Scars
· Lax skin
Who is a candidate for Halo™?
The wonderful thing about Halo™ is that it can treat all skin types and most skin conditions. Halo™ is safe to use on all Fitzpatrick skin types, unlike a majority of lasers that specifically target pigment.
What areas can be treated with Halo™?
At Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, GA, we can treat just about any area of the body with the Halo™. The most popular areas are the face, neck, and chest, but we can also use the Halo™ to treat various areas of the body. Some of these areas include above the knees for lines and wrinkles, the thighs for laxity and dimpling, abdomen for stretch marks and loose skin and the arms to help with creping and the “bat wing”.
How many treatments will I need?
What is great about the Halo™ is that you can choose how many treatments you want! Discuss with Courtney your needs and you can choose to have one or two more aggressive treatments or have multiple treatments that are less aggressive and achieve a similar goal over a longer period of time. Typically, most patients have 1-3 treatments on an area.
What results can I expect?
Halo™ is a complete skin rejuvenation treatment. You will see improvements in overall tone and texture in addition to significant removal of discoloration, reduction of fine lines, reduced pore size, skin reflectivity and glow. On the body you can expect improved texture of the skin, reduced discoloration, and reduction of fine lines.
When will I see results?
You will see initial results between two and five days after your Halo™ treatment, but your skin will continue to improve over time. Most patients see the greatest pigmentary improvement in the first two or three weeks. This is followed by a dermal regeneration phase that continues to improve for months after treatment.
How can I schedule my consultation?
Consultations for Halo Laser at Marisa Lawrence Plastic Surgery in Atlanta, GA with our Laser Specialist Courtney Cox are complimentary and can be scheduled by calling 404-303-7004.