Breast Enhancement Atlanta

Breast Augmentation is one of the most popular plastic surgery procedures performed today in the United States. Many women seek out a Breast Augmentation because they are dissatisfied with the small size of their breasts. Some women are born with naturally disproportionately small breasts in comparison to the rest of their figure. Some women find after pregnancy and nursing, or weight loss that their breasts have decreased in size. These women often seek out Breast Enhancement to increase the size of their breasts. While most women have a slight asymmetry between their breasts, some women have a more significant asymmetry of a cup size or more difference and seek out Breast Enhancement to correct the asymmetry.
Breast Enhancement is customized by Dr. Marisa Lawrence to meet the needs of each individual patient and there are many decisions to make from implant type (Saline or Silicone), implant size and texture, implant placement and incision placement. Dr. Marisa Lawrence works with each patient to create the best procedure plan possible to achieve the aesthetic goals of each patient. To learn more about your Breast Enhancement options and to find out if it may be right for you, contact our office today to schedule your consultation.